单词 stone wall 例句大全,用单词stone wall造句:

Production process of artificial stone wall and floor tile by plane vibration press vacuum
The exterior wall of the building was make of stone the interior walls were made of bricks.
这座楼的外墙是石头垒的, 而内墙是砖砌的。
Along the stone corridor of the battlement, two figures were slouched down against the wall.
Along the stone corridor of the battlement, two figures were slouched down against the wall.
Application of Vitrification Stone Curtain Wall Hanging and Sticking from the Back with Bolt
Weathered stone block The block stone against the wall have already worn away as time passed.
The disease frequently after the fish got in the end of stone and sink the body wall friction.
Thorns had come up everywhere, the ground was covered with weeds, and the stone wall was in ruins.
The revolution in Stone Wall Village had been dealt a blow. The counterrevolution had struck first.
The stone wall the grave had collapsed and the grave itself was completely overgrown with vegetation.
墓园的石墙塌下来, 杂草任意蔓延, 树木繁茂。
Stone lions roar is carved on the door, wall of the dragon temple in gorgeous, as the essence of architecture.
The engraved stone was originally embedded in the wall of the South Building in Lianchi School for learners to view and emulate.
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