单词 stops 例句大全,用单词stops造句:

A lack of this metal is commonly the brake that stops the growth of planktonic algae.
But the natural abortion overwhelming majority is because the embryo stops the growth.
He stops unlacing and looks at them as if they had appeared there of their own accord.
Classical voiced on sets are all devoiced, and all stops and affricates are aspirated.
Automatically restarts after diagnostics collection stops due to a scheduled shutdown.
The buck stops with him. He is ultimately responsible for every aspect of the broadcast.
We want to place our stops farther away from the market than the average level of noise.
Length of rolling is accurately controlled and it automatically stops when the time is up.
滚筋长度有精密时间控制, 到时自动停止。
Majestic John concentrates on creation , stops putting in an appearance already Yue Lai Yue.
威严的约翰潜心于创作, 已越来越少露面。
If the heart stops beating a cardiac arrest brain damage can start after just a few minutes.
The administration has not really thought through what it plans to do once the fighting stops.
Second, to the regular hospital, cuts cannot apply drugs randomly stops pain, cover condition.
二是到正规医院, 切不可乱用药止痛, 掩盖病情。
Boarding time for intermediate stops is for reference only, please allow sufficient waiting time.
This cascade of absorption and scattering stops harmful radiation from penetrating to body tissues.
Buses have difficulty in gaining access to bus stops and subsequently rejoining the traffic stream.
Slant as headroom today south what warm damp flows is abate, dusk around rainfall stops gradually.
The attempt to be perfect, rather than driving you forward, is punishing and stops a forward momentum.
An Experimental Study on the Indonesian Learners' Acquisition of Stops and Affricates of Standard Chinese
Jump ball When players from opposing teams gain simultaneous possession of the ball, the referee stops play.
But after most patient stops drug amenorrhoea, can use booth of small dose bromic concealed to maintain only.
但多数患者停药后又闭经, 只能用小剂量溴隐亭维持。
Backseating the valve stops any flame from traveling through the valve and connecting hose into the crankcase.
Comparing vot values of english and chinese stop consonants and acquisition of english stops by mandarin students
An experimental study and error analyses of the acquisition of stops and affricates in Chinese by Vietnamese learners
If Party B stops the Tenancy Agreement before the date of expiry, Party A is not required to return the said deposit.
乙方如在租赁期内终止租约, 押金不予退还。
Bismuth of tannic acid albumen, second carbonic acid, Chinese traditional medicine be good at lienal lukewarm kidney stops evacuant.

单词 stops 释义

  • 单词释义:停止( stop的第三人称单数 );中断;逗留;(使)停止工作  [更多..]



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