单词 something of a 例句大全,用单词something of a造句:

Something confessed, especially disclosure of ones sins to a priest for absolution.
忏悔供认的事情, 尤指向神父忏悔自己的罪行以寻求解脱
The manager said something about a hospital and some of the bystanders gave advice.
In the world of finance, describing something a Ponzi scheme is a standard form of abuse.
在金融界, 把事物描述成庞式计划, 是不折不扣的辱骂。
It occurs as a result of something underit which can be abject serious potentially serious.
Playing is not something an adult should do, liking to play shows a lack of responsibility.
I was looking for something antithetical from that role in a lot of ways because I'm an actor.
Misuse of a patent occurs when a patent holder uses the patent to achieve something illegally.
The manager had a gut feeling that something must be wrong with the financial affair of the company.
There is something that is troubling an African dude from a small and illiterate village, for a couple of days.
In summer daytime, swarms of black butterflies swirl up and down in breeze and form something like a thick column when seen from afar.
这些黑蝴蝶上下旋转地飞, 远看像一根粗的圆柱子。
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth
承受量, 做某事的能力
Are you clear about the capacity of the cinema? Have a capacity for doing something Have a capacity to do Ability Have ability to do sth.
He was tall, dark and handsome - every the classic air ace. There was something strangely comforting in the validation of a preconceived stereotype.
英文例句大全为您提供something of a英文例句大全,something of a英文造句,关于something of a的英语句子,单词something of a怎么造句,something of a英文例句大全有哪些,哪些英语句子是关于something of a,英语单词something of a的句子,单词something of a如何造句,something of a怎么造句等。

单词 something of a 释义



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