单词 Sorrows 例句大全,用单词Sorrows造句:

Lisa I had broken up with him, how painful I feel. Im going to drown my sorrows.
The unlucky investors hang out together and drown their sorrows in a few drinks.
But sometimes it is invaded by unnamable sorrows and filled with plaint of life.
而有时心中便会有一种莫名伤感的情绪, 对人生充满了感叹。
He was despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief.
After Megan dumped Chuck, Chuck went to the bar to drown his sorrows over a beer.
We despised him and rejected hima man of sorrows, acquainted with bitterest grief.
他被蔑视, 被人拒绝他忍受痛苦, 历经忧患。
He has been drowning his sorrows ever since he lost his mother. Can’t blame him.
Americans couldn't even have a drink to drown their sorrows, thanks to prohibition.
As we grow and learn it becomes easier to live fully with all our joys and sorrows.
我们渐渐长大, 学会全然面对所有得悲欢。
They bow themselves, they bring forth their young ones, they cast out their sorrows.
它们屈身, 将子生下, 就除掉疼痛。
A hook, a curved, a round number of months witnessed the joys and sorrows of history.
Munch's painting has a strong emotion of subjectivity sorrows and depressed feelings.
But one man loves the pilgrim Soul in you, And loved the sorrows of your changing face.
Additional, laid quality and care and maintenance, these are joys and sorrows is relevant.
Fragile flowers, filled with stripping the sorrows of life, in the wind shake and crumble.
When his wife was killed in an auto accident, Mr Green tried to drown his sorrows in whisky.
If so, I deserve the sorrows and vexations which my disagreeable nature brings down upon me.
When his wife was killed in an auto accident, Mr.Green tried to drown his sorrows in whiskey.
He just got a Dear John letter from his girlfriend, so he went to drown his sorrows in drink.
他刚刚收到他女朋友的一封绝交信, 因此借酒消愁。
The people of our two countries share joys and sorrows, and are very close concerned for each other.
我们两国人民患难与共, 休戚相关。
Once on the stage, she can leave behind at the back stage all pains from her ailment and her sorrows.
只消在台上, 她把病痛和悲伤的外衣脱下, 挂在后台。
I don't often feel the need to drown my sorrows but I have needed a little Dutch courage occasionally.
我不常有借酒浇愁的需要, 但是偶尔我是用喝酒来壮胆的。
Since Emperor Tang does not return to the palace, beauty Yang becomes angry and drinks her sorrows away.
杨贵妃因唐明皇夜不回宫, 心底生怨, 借酒浇愁。
But since water still flows, though we cut it with our swords, And sorrows return, though we drown them with wine,
Since ancient times, lovers have been distressed with parting sorrows. How can we bear the sorrows in such a desolate and clear autumn!
多情自古伤离别, 更那堪冷落清秋节!

单词 Sorrows 释义



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