单词 sun glasses 例句大全,用单词sun glasses造句:

Sun glasses box with audio system.
He wears sun glasses to stop from burning.
Why are you wearing that cap and sun glasses?
We may also, by a sun umbrella with the sun glasses, lying on the beach.
我们或许还可以, 借一把太阳伞带着太阳眼镜, 躺在沙滩上。
Put on dark glasses or the sun will dazzle you and you won't be able to see.
glasses that are darkened or polarized to protect the eyes from the glare of the sun.
Her eyes were all white and turbid, and she didnt wear sun glasses to hide her blind eyes.
她的眼睛全白而且浑沌, 而她没有戴上太阳眼镜去遮掩双眼。
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