单词 suppliers 例句大全,用单词suppliers造句:

If customers are bankrupt, suppliers are likely to be in the same predicament.
如果顾客破产, 那么供应商可能会陷入同样的困境。
Inspiring, encouraging and recognizing improvements and achievements suppliers.
激发, 鼓励和认可供应商的改进和成就。
Cosmetics Raw Material Suppliers Fill a Growing Appetite for Multifunctionality
Dealing with more suppliers allows the company to choose the cheapest and best.
与更多的供应商打交道, 使公司可以选择最价廉物美的商品。
Liaise with suppliers and facilitate the ordering of drinks, alcoholic beverages.
联系供应商和订购饮料, 酒水。
The performance of all suppliers is monitored, and blacklisting is a possibility.
对所有供应商的绩效进行监测, 有可能采用列黑名单的方法。
As your first step you decide to calculate the averages for your major suppliers.
作为第一步, 你决定计算主要供应商的平均延期交货天数。
This text is about a appraisal system of target that enterprises choose suppliers.
The mechanism interfere the collusive signals of power suppliers from two aspects.
Lead tehnical clarification with suppliers during negotiation or kick off meeting.
Check Suppliers selecting this method may remit payment via check or wire transfer.
Accordingly, suppliers can adjust their inventory without piling on excessive stock.
We pursue mutually beneficial relationships with our suppliers and business partners.
Analysis of The Supply Chain Bullwhip Effect Formed by the Supply Policy of Suppliers
Under some circumstances, suppliers may be exempted from the requirement to register.
在某些情况下, 可能为供应商免掉名单登记的要求。
Suppliers to achieve the maintenance of two categories, type of order can be adjusted.
对供应商维护实现两级分类, 类的顺序可进行调整。
Obtain competitive quotation , instruct suppliers to understand artwork specification.
获得有竞争力的报价, 指导供应商理解工艺标准。
Extensive catalog management and searching capabilities for both buyers and suppliers.
It will be a challenge winning back the trust of suppliers, but Hardy remains stoical.
这将是一个挑战赢回信任得供应商, 但仍然坚忍得哈代。
Automotive Coatings Suppliers Turn to Style and Performance Features to Maintain Growth
The accounts payable subsidiary helps the company stay current in payments to suppliers.
Included in total accounts payable were liabilities to suppliers and National Committees.
Suppliers must strive to achieve best practice in environmental and material stewardship.
Qualify external suppliers for calibration needs. Must ensure national standards are met.
根据仪校需要评估外部供应商, 从而达到国家相关标准。
Achieve cost down target of product materials, and guarantee suppliers to deliver in time.
完成公司产品的原材料降本目标, 并确保供应商能按时供货。

单词 suppliers 释义

  • 单词释义:供应商( supplier的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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