单词 suppliers 例句大全,用单词suppliers造句:

Maintain internal office supplying in associated with print press and stationery suppliers.
Account for and audit all item on all outgoing shipments if any, and suppliers'credit memos.
Presently, they also require more and more automobiles suppliers to form a complete fitting.
Gravity works in some situations, but some suppliers advocate sequencing WIT with gas assist.
有得情况下可以靠重力, 但是有些供应商提倡借助气体。
This product and manufacturing process approval procedure shall also be applied to suppliers.
Prepare the accruals journal at month end for regular suppliers and delivery dockets not paid.
Suppliers must be accountable for conducting their business ethically and acting with integrity.
供应商必须对他们所作的商业行为负责任, 并且要行为正直。
The production equipments of continuous process and batch process have suppliers at home and abroad.
Suppliers should try their best to reduce their CIF price, even make it lower than their home price.
According to the suppliers that can not use usually, make contact whiling arrange the supplier files.
The purchase department should look for the suppliers of the equipments spare parts , and assort them.
采供部寻找设备备件供应商, 配齐备件
Technical Clerk, for report issuing, deta input inspection booking arrangements with suppliers and client.
技术员要求懂做报告, 数据输入, 与客户和供应商做工作排程。
Information from external suppliers can be used for mash up assembly or syndication assembly on clientside.
Management of accounts receivable and ensuring prompt settlement of invoices sent out to clients and suppliers.
Cost allocation designing of ancillary service for larger electricity customers supplied directly by suppliers.
Request quotations from suppliers, prepare terms and conditions of the contract or order the approved suppliers.
Less reputable suppliers trying to capitalize on demand are offering airless products that are not truly airless.
Is the organisations policy on conflict of interest and staff acceptance of advantages made known to all suppliers?
The Nuclear Suppliers Group grants India a waiver to carry out civilian nuclear commerce with the rest of the world.
A Suppliers letter attesting that the name and nationality of the carrying vessel have been approved by the Purchaser.
Looking at 28 billion per year, we look at our two largest suppliers, Saudi Arabia, and now Canada, with its dirty oil.
Suppliers relationship marketing tactics and marketing ante displacement tactics based on the upper reaches supply chain.
The intention is to help small British businesses that struggle to meet the heavy upfront payments demanded by Asian suppliers.
The government told its suppliers to segregate their grain elevators, keeping genetically modified crops apart from conventional ones.
政府告诉供应商应分隔粮仓, 把转基因粮食和传统粮食分开。
Near the end of October, 1999, Nissan, Japan's second largest carmaker, announced that it would shut five plants, cut ties to hundreds of suppliers, and - gasp! - let go of 21,000 workers.

单词 suppliers 释义

  • 单词释义:供应商( supplier的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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