单词 surrender to 例句大全,用单词surrender to造句:

Despite that difficult background, we cannot surrender to passivity.
Even the surrender of half of Europe failed to glut Hitler's ambition.
Wheres theres nothing but sweet surrender, to the memories from afar.
Eg. The fatigued guerillas would rather surrender without an appeal to arms.
The defendant was released to await trial but had to surrender her passport.
被告被释放候审, 但须交出护照。
After all, who has the right to accept the surrender of the Japanese and puppets
Abandonment in Bible study is the complete, abject surrender of your lives to God.
委身于圣经研究就是把你们的生活完全地, 卑屈地降服于神。
You surrender to your lazy and appetency, and will not have to fight with yourself.
The policemen backed the gangster into the street comer and ordered him to surrender.
We call upon all States to detain and surrender accused in order that they can be tried.
They conceded that victory was no longer attainable and agreed to a negotiated surrender.
他们承认无法获胜, 并同意谈判投降。
The terms of surrender were simple. The Confederate soldiers promised not to fight anymore.
The priority should be to surrender budget surpluses in accordance with the Financial Regulations.
The bomb was an easy way to show that the US would be able to demolish them and force them to surrender
Jiang hid letter of surrender in his pocket and returned to the Bed, pretending that he was sill asleep.
急忙藏起降书, 轻轻躺回床上, 假装睡着。
When the commander appeared, breeches still in hand, Allen ordered the commander to promptly surrender.
When the peasant association orders the surrender of opium pipes, no one dares to raise the least objection.
农会下命令缴烟枪, 不敢稍违抗不缴。
To be one's self, and unafraid whether right or wrong, is more admirable than the easy cowardice of surrender to conformity.
Yongqing Xin history occurred surrender, Yang industry to build units, Qianlong anecdotal history of the system, such as poetry.
永清历史上曾发生韩信受降, 杨业筑台, 乾隆制诗等史实轶事。
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单词 surrender to 释义

  • 单词释义:向…投降;使(自己)听任…的摆布, 使(自己)陷入…  [更多..]



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