单词 surrogate mother 例句大全,用单词surrogate mother造句:

Martin was the best surrogate mother a foal could have had.
The resulting embryo was then transferred into a surrogate dog mother.
In fact, Peter Lee's triplets were born of a surrogate mother in the US.
The second argument against surrogacy is that surrogate mother will be exploited.To be contrary.
A surrogate mother is artificially inseminated with the father's semen and carries the fetus to term.
The child is not her biological child, as the ovum was from an anonymous donor, and Iliescu was more of a Surrogate mother.
她并非自然受孕, 而是接受了一位匿名者的精子捐赠。
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单词 surrogate mother 释义

  • 单词释义:替身母亲,代孕母亲  [更多..]



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