单词 swash plate 例句大全,用单词swash plate造句:

swash plate axial piston pump.
Analyses on Swash plate Moment of Axial Plunger Pump
Dynamics Simulation of Swash Plate Compressor in Automobile Air Conditioning System.
Performance Analysis on the Control Valve in Variable Displacement Swash Plate Compressor.
a rear part that passes through hole of a swash plate seat and supported by a air cylinder
主轴后段, 从斜盘座中孔穿过, 并由气缸支承
The controller for swash plate of aircraft inlet is a typical hydraulic serve position control system.
a bracket is installed between the swash plate and the supporting disk and a magnet is installed on the bracket.
在斜盘与支承盘之间安装有支架, 在支架上装有磁铁。
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单词 swash plate 释义

  • 单词释义:防波板,旋转斜盘  [更多..]



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