单词 sweep back 例句大全,用单词sweep back造句:

back sweep frame agitator
Please help me to sweep the dust on my back.
I got to go back to Jodie. I'm gonna sweep the house.
我要回一趟朱迪镇 去清理一下房子。
Once you begin the in sweep , scull your hands directly back toward the front.
一旦您开始做内划动作, 直接向内后及胸前加速推水。
When he got back from shopping,the No.1 wife ordered him to sweep the courtyard.
Arthas darted back, feinted, and then brought Frostmourne across in a mighty sweep.
Statisticians need to stand back a little and look at the broad sweep of financial history.
The general condition is down,and take to lie on the back after the pregnant woman urinate,and then sweep to check in the belly.
一般情况下 孕妇排尿后取仰卧位 在腹部扫查。
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