单词 troubles 例句大全,用单词troubles造句:

This time, he who usually behaves appropriately came across unexpected troubles.
这一次, 做事至当得他也遇到了意想不到得麻烦。
This time, he who usually behaves appropriately came across unexpected troubles.
这一次, 做事至当的他也遇到了意想不到的麻烦。
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,and them can becoming your blessings.
The other one is compromise and to adopt the strategy named keeping out of troubles.
The government and its opponents compete to exploit the troubles to their advantage.
Some prospects he has, which might entirely change the aspect of his present troubles
You haven't got my troubles. My wife won't love me and she's driving me round the bend.
And I think it behooves any man to toss all female troubles into the hands of a stranger.
I think that one of the biggest troubles with colleges is there are too many distractions.
Tatu accommodate, let the broken but many troubles disabled, smiles, and a boundless joy rim.
大肚能容, 断却许多烦恼障, 笑容可掬, 结成无量欢喜缘。
The background to the current troubles is provided by the dire state of the country's economy.
Of all the troubles that diesel engine meets, the most common trouble is bearing insert damage.
Cause troubles the ponder about the aquatic transportation which escapes aids in an investigation
No free maintenance is granted for the troubles resulting from customer's careless or abnormal use.
The life always has the most low tide stress, troubles, and alcohol can completely change a person.
And it also analyzes the troubles and adjusts the parameters for automatic submerged arc welding machine.
Simulation of troubles and creation of parameter database of troubles of refrigeration system of troubles.
By comparison, those with longer ring fingers were more likely to be affected by heart troubles later on in life.
Cindy is so worldly-wise that she handled various troubles when she was the personal assistant of that picky boss.
The causes to troubles in side doors are analyzed, and the corresponding counter measures for disposition are put forward.
分析了动车组侧门故障产生的原因, 提出了相应的处理对策。
Be beset with troubles internally and externally in the situation, the court had relied on militia armed defense function.
在内外交困的局势下, 朝廷不得不倚重团练武装的防御功能。
BESTSAFEINVEST ALIBI Administration explained that their site has been inaccessible due to the troubles with their datacenter.
站长解释, 他们的站点由于数据库出错而无法访问。
Only sigh that time is fleeting, The ocean of books keeps waving. Stop ambition for gain and fame, How many troubles will you have?
书海泛清波。无心逐名利, 尘劳能几多?
Analyzes the accidental hidden troubles in the clinical applications of infusion pump and the nursing countermeasures in the accidents.
Even though unmetered access is experiencing troubles, many analysts and companies continue to insist that it will be the wave of the future.

单词 troubles 释义

  • 单词释义:麻烦( trouble的名词复数 );困难;困境;动乱  [更多..]



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