单词 trouble for 例句大全,用单词trouble for造句:

The mother will avoid jail time if she stays out of trouble for three years.
You know disciples are all like that, fond of creating trouble for the master.
Aren't you asking for trouble by pretending to be someone else in front of him?
But, by calling singularities into question, they spell trouble for relativity.
Would you accept this as a little recompense for all the trouble you have taken?
People born in La Paz might be prone to heart trouble in adulthood, for example.
To keep Joe out of trouble, I am constantly alert for any deviation from normal.
为了使乔免遭麻烦, 我时刻警惕着任何异常情况。
Would you accept this as a little recompense for all the trouble you have taken ?
请你收下这个, 以作为对你辛苦得一点酬谢。
After Aunt Lena had heard about the family trouble, she agreed to look for a job.
Though peace reign over the land, the stupid people create trouble for themselves
天下本无事, 庸人自扰之
He may have bought time for himself, but he stored up trouble for his successors.
When I undertook to mend his watch for him, I didn't bargain for all this trouble.
Trouble for a supplier to a companys parts supplier can cascade across an industry.
You'll only be storing up trouble for the future if you don't go to the dentist now.
After Aunt Lena had listened about the household trouble, IT agreed to see for a job.
But sometimes he is too courageous, and loves to cause problems, creating trouble for moon.
不过, 有时太勇敢, 又爱惹事, 也会为小月带来麻烦。
When the police arrived he took it on the chin and apologised for the trouble he'd caused them.
Study on the Reason of Trouble for Pulling the Steel Double Sealing Cap Out and Settling Method
If trouble arises within a hundred li, do not make preparation for a war that last a single day.
For such a purpose frees a man from trouble, and warfare, and all artifice and ostentatious display.
因为这样一个使一个人摆脱苦恼, 战争及所有的诡计和炫耀。
If they try to concern themselves with everything, they will only make trouble for the Party committee concerned.
不然, 遇事都过问, 同级党委吃不消。
Hence I without extra trouble click enterprising, without extra trouble searched to translate company for a while.
于是我就顺手点击进取, 顺手就搜索了一下翻译公司。
We are extremely grateful for the trouble you have taken on our behalf.; we very much appreciate all you have done.
Probe into the safe nursing hidden trouble for new graduate nurse in department of paediatrics and its countermeasures.
Father often punished me for making trouble, but that only made me more determined to fight for my personal independence, freedom and equal rights.
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