单词 trying room 例句大全,用单词trying room造句:

Leave room for retreat When trying new feat.
The bird fluttered about, trying to get out of the room.
Everyday, we sit in the steam room trying to sweat off some fat.
每天, 我们坐在蒸汽室里试图通过发汗减去一些脂肪。
I dropped up from the room below where I've been trying to get some sleep!
Missy He was trying to build some sort of armed robot to keep me out of his room.
There may be only room for one person in the position you are trying to advance to.
A teenaged boy had been brought to the emergency room after trying to castrate himself.
Because when I first started seeing her, I was trying to be the funniest person in the room.
The reporter hasn't got a gate card and is now trying every means to enter the assembly room.
and you're trying to work up the nerve to invite me to a friendly, neighborhood on call room.
你鼓起勇气 想邀我到隔壁友好的待命室
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