单词 true up 例句大全,用单词true up造句:

Two minutes later I looked up through my sopping wet glassesit was a true downpour.
At that moment, normally used to cover up the true feelings of the second per capita.
True warrior faced up to beautiful eyebrow in the United States, dare to face pale single.
真正的勇士敢于正视漂亮的美眉, 敢于直面惨淡的单身。
And He makes me see the true light to expel darkness in my mind and my culture I grew up in.
because have been looking forward to the next true love, so the heart lock up to be extremely.
因为一直在期待下一次真爱, 所以把心锁得格外严实。
Joshua True. It would be distracting to worry about your skirt flying up in the middle of a fight.
But since they oppose the revolution, it is impossible for them to cover up their true features entirely.
但是他们既要反革命, 就不可能将其真象荫蔽得十分彻底。
When the eagle saw this, he flew up into the sky and revealed his true shape he was the Emperor of Heaven!
This destining is sleep not night, the country emperor of Chu is all all to fix true all is looking up at an imperial palace.
这注定是个不眠夜, 楚国帝都所有修真者皆在仰望皇宫上空。
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