单词 abstract science 例句大全,用单词abstract science造句:

What abstract concept forms the core of computer science?
Literature Analysis of Abstract of Environment Science Papers
Abstract Essentials of Library and lnformation Science in Chinese No.7
In fact, engineering science is an extremely abstract and theoretical science.
实际上, 工程学是极为抽象且理论性极强的一门学科。
The Main Contents should Be Covered in the Abstract of the Natural Science Thesis
The arguments of contemporary science are so abstract that they are no longer intelligible.
Response has been made by the initiator of Abstract Library Science to the doubt put forward by the audience.
The Correlation Analysis Between Thesis Length and Abstract Word Number of the Information Science Core Journals Thesis
Probability theory is a basic course for the students majored in science and engineering it has an abundant and abstract content.
abstract Traditional Chinese Medicine, known as an ancient medical science is marked by its obscurity and difficulty in terms of theory.
中医是一门古老的医学科学, 其理论深奥晦涩, 不易把握
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单词 abstract science 释义



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