单词 adapt to 例句大全,用单词adapt to造句:

Darwin's hypothesis states that creatures evolve themselves to adapt to the environment.
Adapt to all circumstance, make a contribution to the great success of Asian Winter Games.
Based on these reasons,the optional variety was selected to adapt to the regional climate.
Cutting current is adjustable to adapt to the various thickness of sheet metal processing.
I have to adapt to this street, the street, people coming and going anxiously to run with.
Based on these reasons, the optional variety was selected to adapt to the regional climate.
根据这些规律, 可选栽适合当地气候特点的玉米品种。
The entire organization has to be ready to adapt to all of these changes at a moments notice.
Objective To investigate whether or not that klatskin tumor is adapt to liver transplantation.
This typology should adapt to 2 to 3 people families and possibly enable growth and extensions.
In addition, there are some ways to adapt to the environment about the cool air and ventilation.
Good English skills, strong ability to learn new things and I can quickly adapt to a new environment.
英语能力很强, 学习新事物能力很强, 能较快适应环境。
We must be willing to change, adapt to new situations and relinquish tasks that are no longer needed.
l antiinterference ability, ability to adapt to the environment, strain capacity are strong, observant
抗干扰能力, 适应环境能力, 应变能力均较强, 观察敏锐
Every effort should be made to mitigate and adapt to the predicted negative impacts of climate change.
When people from the north come to Guangdong and Guangxi, they are unable to adapt to the environment.
Being accustomed to being poor, people can not easily adapt to a wealthy life in a short period of time.
To provide greater load bearing capacity, adapt to the natural physiological curve of the human skeleton.
The current system fails to take into account the essence of the young pupils and to adapt to their needs.
Ensure the Smooth Operation of Marshalling Yard to Adapt to the Development by Further Exploiting Potentials
Objective To discuss the valid measures which adapt to administration department to control rat infestation.
Literacy enabled men and women to adapt to the modern world and assimilate the ideas that led to development.
After returning from the Mainland to Hong Kong, I needed some time to adapt to the flashing of magnesium light.
Strategic frameworks should continue to adapt to local conditions and strive to avoid duplication of existing efforts.
So just finally, cancer is an inevitable outcome of the ability of our cells to divide and to adapt to their environments.
最后 癌症是 细胞分化 并适应环境的 必然结果
Now the remarkable thing about blood vessels is that they have this ability to adapt to whatever environment they're growing in.
血管不平常的地方 是它们有能力 适应任何生长环境。
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单词 adapt to 释义

  • 单词释义:变得习惯于…, 使适应于, 能应付…  [更多..]



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