单词 water front 例句大全,用单词water front造句:

Profile of water front graph
The one with a tower, facing the water front ?
有一个塔楼, 正面朝水得那幢?
They raced down the slopes to the water front.
A waitress put a glass of water in front of him.
After the rain,water stood in front of the house.
The height of the flood wall of water front in Shanghai
In front of their cottage ran a deep stream of fast-flowing water.
A promenade was proposed water front to provide leisure facilities.
Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle.
在饮水机前面跪下, 从冷水的管口直接喝水。
Used island water front, create artificial peninsula water front again.
Unplug the heater, shut off the water supply and remove the front cover.
The 2 nd is a scary looking hole with water on the front left all the way.
Paris began to scatter flowers and perfumed water in front of the entrance.
Susie trips in front of the teacher dumps the bowl of water in the boy's lap.
苏茜在老师的前面跌倒了, 鱼缸里的水洒在了男孩的大腿上。
A skiff was moored in the water out front, and smoke curled from the chimney.
He holds his hands out in front of him then, cupped like he is drinking water.
他伸出手, 摆出仿佛是个喝水杯子的样子。
Their troops advanced by both land and water, and arrived at the front in time.
他们的部队水陆并进, 及时抵达前线。
But there are always much liquid water in cold cloud at the fore of warm front.
Two glasses of water, believed to absorb evil spirits, were placed in front of him.
他面前还放着两杯水, 就说是用来吸走邪灵的灵魂的。
Overall length of dock water front has 110 meters only, actual can berth 2 shipping.
The focus is on Puget Sound at the Seattle Aquarium, located at Pier 57 water front.
The focus is on Puget Sound at the Seattle Aquarium, located at Pier 59 water front.
With the kettle of boiling water in her hand, she moved quietly towards the front door.
与壶开水在她的手, 她搬出去了安静地朝前面的门。
There is always frozen water in front of the trap forming water block to avoid steam leaking.
阀前始终有凝结水, 形成水封, 无蒸汽泄漏。
A drop of water was cut in half by a plane passing through its bulbous front and tapered tail.
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单词 water front 释义

  • 单词释义:岸线;滨水区;水边  [更多..]



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