单词 waterfalls 例句大全,用单词waterfalls造句:

Tropical plants, sandy desert, waterfalls, craters and caves make a tourist attraction.
This process continued at the same time constant and waterfalls are also to move upstream.
这一过程不断继续得同时, 瀑布亦向上游移动。
Here Lin Tao sea of clouds, Cuifeng towers, trees dense grass Feng, ring spring waterfalls.
这里林涛云海, 翠峰耸立, 树密草丰, 响泉飞瀑。
Visit Souxi Valley by cable car to enjoy beautiful waterfalls, and fresh clear water streams.
The main attractions there are rolls of Gap, Gap Pinnacle waterfalls, beaches, such as pearls.
The valley of the Yellowstone River has beautifully coloured rocks and three large waterfalls.
Yandangshan Qifeng rocks, waterfalls Nagareizumi, full of natural flavor, for ink indescribable.
雁荡山奇峰怪石, 飞瀑流泉, 充满天然韵味, 为笔墨难以形容。
The Iguazu waterfalls in northern Argentina are higher than Niagara Falls and four times as wide.
It's definitely a luxury accommodation, complete with plenty of artificial waterfalls and fountains.
The west wing pool is in factan adventure pool equipped with a waterslide, waterfalls and a lazyriver.
西翼池实际上是一个探险池配备了滑水, 瀑布和懒惰河。
Climbing along the path, sightseers see cascading waterfalls, running springs, screeching monkeys, chirping birds, green trees and blooming flowers.
游客沿途可以欣赏到飞瀑流泉, 猿鸣鸟语, 树绿花香。
APPLE.COM Visit Kings Canyon National Park in California through their site; experience gorgeous panoramic views of waterfalls, mountains and streams.
Waterfalls roaring like thunder cascade down precipitous cliffs and gurgling streams meander through serene nooks. Clouds and vapor float and wrap the scenery in a blanket of mist.

单词 waterfalls 释义

  • 单词释义:瀑布( waterfall的名词复数 )  [更多..]



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