单词 weight down 例句大全,用单词weight down造句:

because a lot of weight gain boils down to eating when you're not hungry.
因为大量的增重归结为 在并不饿的时候吃东西
The heart bowed down by the weight of woe will cling to the weakest hope.
黄婆婆和老伴立即死死抱住男子, 要求还回项链。
It's the pose directly after this, or the down pose that sells the weight.
The branches of the pear tree were borne down with the weight of the fruit.
The branches leaned down to the ground, heavy with the weight of the fruit.
Wrap it in a tarp, weight it down with some bricks and toss it in the lake.
Barely able to force down one small meal a day, I rapidly began losing weight.
每天勉强能吃下一小碗饭, 我的体重开始迅速的下降。
They only weight weigh about 22 kiloeskilos, so they do not beat down the soil.
What a bumper harvest!The stalks are borne down with the weight of the rice ears.
And, in fact, you can cycle the weight up and down simply by inhibiting angiogenesis.
实际上,你能使体重循环上下 仅仅通过抑制血管增生。
When the weight begins to jiggle, turn the heat down low and cook for about 45minutes.
The only way to get weight down is to keep off fattening food, and alcohol altogether.
减肥的唯一办法就是不吃使人发胖的食物, 并彻底戒酒。
Conversely, in a large percentage of patients, weight loss down to reversed the process.
反之, 很多病人将体重减到一定程度后, 问题也就改善了。
Jiang Li once again go on a diet, but the weight down, legs still do not see a fine.
the sliding weight of a steelyard, though small in volume, may hold down a thousand catties
The roof support structure had collapsed and the entire weight was bearing down on the ceiling.
As the river flowed, it washed away sediments and removed weight pressing down on the Earths crust.
河水奔流, 冲走沉积物, 从而减轻了地壳的负重。
You see that I labor under the weight of many years, and am bowed down with great infirmities of body.
Science has laid down the principle that the properties of an element are a periodic function of its atomic weight.
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单词 weight down 释义

  • 单词释义:给…加负担,使负重  [更多..]



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