单词 welcome in 例句大全,用单词welcome in造句:

The construction workers in Beijing Chengde celebrate double the money on such activities welcome.
We therefore welcome the United Nations readiness to assist in the implementation of that protocol.
The Chairman of the Board of Directors is giving a dinner of welcome in your honour at seven tonight
今晚七点, 董事长为您设宴洗尘
Welcome to the International Culture Camp being held in this beautiful location of the Sun Moon Lake.
In addition, I welcome my colleagues the Ministers for Foreign Affairs who are present at this debate.
Candidates who are interested in and dedicated to automotive industries are warmly welcome to join us!
Elegantly attired in an orange dress, master received a very warm welcome as she stepped onto the stage.
There are canteens in both the first carriage and the last carriage of the train. Travelers are welcome!
Welcome to this reception in commemoration of the 60 th anniversary of founding People s Republic of China.
Crystal vases of exquisite workmanship are excellent in Both appearance and quality. Your purchases are welcome.
We welcome the idea of simplification and improvement in the planning and budgetary process of the United Nations.
The concept of electronic bills of lading has been welcome by many parties involved in the carriage of goods by sea.
The aim of introduction of talent strategy of Jiangning is to welcome all talents to innovation and venture in Jiangning.
The well dressed bride comes in with a fortunate lady of the house to welcome the entourage of the groom in the living room.
由全福妇人引带著新装准新娘出堂, 捧甜茶敬客, 旋即回房。
In the meantime the colleague whom each factory house and business agent and our company reach an amity cooperation is welcome!
The activity of collecting ideas about the municipal emblem will begin next month, and we welcome all citizens to participate in designing and assessing.
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单词 welcome in 释义

  • 单词释义:欢迎(某人)进入  [更多..]



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