单词 water year 例句大全,用单词water year造句:

Determine according to science, every mus of forest can save the water of20 stere all the year round.
During the period of thawing in spring, water in soil comes from freezing water in the previous year.
Viruses, bacteria and other organisms in dirty water sicken hundreds of millions of people every year.
The lucky dragon spits out water, representing favorable conditions for the crops and living each year.
祥龙吐水, 意寓着年年风调雨顺。
In recent years, Venices acqua alta, or high water, has resulted in an average of 100 floods a year.
Wild rice stem, weever, water shield is in1000 be labelled before New Year more Changjiang Delta3 names dish.
Restrictive and repressive Israeli actions in the course of the year have affected the water supply situation.
This year the village has suffered a serious water logging catastrophe. The common people have had heavy losses.
By the first day of the first month of Noah's six hundred and first year, the water had dried up from the earth.
到挪亚六百零一岁, 正月初一日, 地上的水都干了。
The prescription has bee applied over a year on the recirculated cooling water system and has made a good effect.
Annual variation and unevenly distribution during the year limit the development and utilization of surface water.
And only if your per capita income is above 6, 000 dollars a year will you have democracy come hell or high water.
只有人均收入 达到每年 6000 美元以上 民主才会持续。
The time like water has flowed from the fingertip, soaks inundates on the skin actually cannot engrave the year mark.
时间如水从指尖流过, 浸漫在皮肤上却刻不下岁月的印痕。
One year summer, the drought did not have the rain, the rill has been also dry, the drinking water was more difficult.
有一年夏天, 天旱无雨, 小溪也干涸了, 吃水更困难了。
That's as if the entire workforce of the State of California worked full time for a year doing nothing but fetching water.
工时相当加州所有劳动力的集合 整年全职打水
Water supplies in Pizhou, in Jiangsu province, have been heavily contaminated with arsenic for a second time this year, according to Hexun.
和讯网报道, 江苏邳州自今年以来再度遭受严重砷污染。
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