Eliot s great work The Waste Land shakes the poetry circle for its captivating thinking power.
And the desolate land shall be tilled, which before was waste in the sight of all that passed by.
The Implications of The Waste Land and As I Lay Dying as the Masterpieces of Wilderness Literature
We shall develop the waste land, which has fallen into disuse for a long time, into a shopping mall.
You have been carrying out the campaign for production and have reclaimed thousands of mou of waste land.
And Esau was hated, and I sent destruction on his mountains, and gave his heritage to the beasts of the waste land.
恶以扫, 使他的山岭荒凉, 把他的地业交给旷野的野狗。
and Pharaoh will say of the children of Israel, They are wandering without direction, they are shut in by the waste land.
This indicates that the land use change is moderately irrational. Among all the land varieties, farmland, woodland, and waste grassland had the largest changes.
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