单词 time piece 例句大全,用单词time piece造句:

Never optimize a piece of code before its time.
A piece of cheese will keep off hunger for a time.
Is easy special piece does action kimono use time ?
This is the first time I played this piece of music.
Every time I create a failed piece, I learn something.
我每做一部失败得作品, 就又明白了一些东西。
Insteadshe took her time to count all the money piece by piece.
反而, 她花费更多的时间一个接一个数这些钱。
His first great piece The Age of Bronze was created at that time.
I usually only have time for a cup of coffee and a piece of toast.
This piece of meat has been kept for a long time, as if it has gone bad.
If it is a guest article or a linkbait piece, proofread it one more time.
Why vitamin piece cannot eat in order to follow shrimp at the same time ?
Now, how much stuff goes through this little piece of curve per unit time.
It takes time and effort and one person can only make one piece in four days.
I wrote my birth time on a piece of paper and handed it to the fortune-teller.
At the same time, scientific research of Jing Xiu Tang Companyalso a new piece.
I have a piece, and I'm excited that I'm sharing it for the first time with you here.
我有个故事,很高兴 能在这里第一次分享
Another Alice in Wonderland Back piece, this time with original artwork in full color.
Certainly losing Wheeler, who has been a big piece of our bullpen for a long time, hurts.
The nozzle of paper each time, the lessons of a piece of paper that it corresponds to stack.
If it is Andrew who spoke of me, I will give him a piece of my mind the next time I meet him.
如果那是安德鲁说我的, 下次我见到他时要痛骂他一顿。
The Contrastive Analysis to the Goal that Presented in the Piece Time of the 17th and 18th World Cup
For a long time it was believed that it was impossible to fold a piece of paper in half more than seven times.
Reach at the full one years, it finishes cancelling greedy to have no enough time theys in charge of you that piece I!
If a wrist counter is embarrassing, then make a small tear in a piece of paper in your pocket each time you say ' you know '.
Alley cropping strip cropping Growing two or more crops in alternating strips or blocks on the same piece of land at the same time.
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