单词 time limit 例句大全,用单词time limit造句:

those who do not make the corrections within the time limit,shall be ordered to stop the use.
The Models for Determining Best Time Limit of Endowment Insurance with Stochastic Interest Rate
Shallow Views on Controlling Time Limit for Installation of Mechanical and Electrical Equipments
Observation on effectiveness time limit of alcohol to disinfect thermometer by continuous soaking
Travel service provider must issue the ticket or cancel the booking before the ticket time limit.
The parties shall specify the time limit for the delivery of the deposit in the deposit contract.
A contract subject to an effective time limIt'shall become effective when the time limit expires.
If no time limit is specified the arbitral award, the parties shall carry out theaward immediately.
failing to demolish the temporary building or structure at the expiration of the approved time limit.
临时建筑物, 构筑物超过批准期限不拆除的。
The arbitration tribunal may extend this time limit if it considers that there are justified reasons.
仲裁庭认为有正当理由的, 可以适当延长此期限。
The factory director is coming to oversee the work, so we must finish our task within the time limit.
The Effects of Processing and Storage Conditions on the Disintegration Time Limit of Kiwi Seed Capsule
When the landlord came to collect the rent, he understood my difficulties and extended the time limit.
In case of failure to meet this time limit, a fee for delayed payment shall be imposed by the Customs.
Although, due to time limit, the contribution was not much, it was our sincere wish to help in some way.
If the employer fails to pay within the prescribed time limit, a fine for delaying payment shall affixed.
Punishment of parties shall be limited to warning setting time limit for correction, and disincorporation.
If there is no corresponding day in that month, the time limit shall expire on the last day of that month.
The unit that is ordered to control the pollution within a time limit must accomplish the task on schedule.
If the fee is not paid or not paid in full within the time limit,the request is deemed not to have been made.
Where the person concerned fails to carry it out within the time limit, the marshal shall execute it forcibly.
unless the creditors fail to declare the creditors rights within the prescribed time limit due to major faults.
Take the construction change order as the basis of final account for completed project and the time limit delay.
Where the holder makes presentment for payment beyond the above time limit, the authorized payer shall reject it.
If the establishment fails to be completed within the time limit, the original approval becomes void automatically.
逾期未完成筹建工作的, 原批准筹建文件自动失效。
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