单词 time limit 例句大全,用单词time limit造句:

If the fees are not paid or not paid in full within the time limit, the application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
If the time limit for making response is not met, the request for reexamination shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
期满未答复的, 该复审请求视为撤回。
Syrian organs must immediately comply with requests to supply the Agency with such information within the time limit set.
The time limit is one year for hearing maritime cases of the first instance concerning collision of ships or general average.
If the fee is not paid or not paid in full within the time limit,the claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made.
If the rectification fails to be made within the time limit,the request for invalidation shall be deemed not to have been made.
Where necessary, the owner or user may be compelled to remove the billboard or erected advertisement within a specified time limit.
If the applicant fails to make any response within the specified time limit, the application shall be deemed to have been withdrawn.
申请人期满未答复的, 其申请视为撤回。
A civil juristic act subject to a stipulation of time limit shall take effect or rescind at the time when the time attached arrives.
If the correction is not made at the expiration of the time limit, the biological materials shall be deemed not to have been deposited.
The time limit of the confidentiality is years or valid during cooperation period and for years after the termination of our cooperation.
Any pollutant discharging unit that causes serious pollution to a water body shall be ordered to treat the pollution within a time limit.
第二十四条对造成水体严重污染得排污单位, 限期治理。
If the owner or operator of such objects, fails to wreck and remove them within the time limit fixed by the maritime administrative agency
The medical treatment inside insurance time limit is expended pay accumulative total gross to be sure with exceeding amount in the limit of.
If, at the expiration of the time limit, the applicant fails to make the corrections, his or its application shall be deemed to be withdrawn.
Where no rectification has been made at the expiry of the time limit, the biomaterial shall be deemed to have not been submitted for deposit.
If the fee is still not paid or not paid in full at the expiration of the time limit, the claim for priority shall be deemed not to have been made.
where after the expiration of the time limit they are not supplied, the sample of the biological material shall be deemed not to have been deposited.
期满未补正的, 视为未提交保藏。
If the requesting person fails to meet the time limit for making rectification, the request for reexamination shall be deemed not to have been filed.
期满未补正的, 该复审请求视为未提出。
Where the translation is not submitted within the specified time limit,the certificate or certifying document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.
If the addition or correction is made and the application form returned to the Trademark Bureau within the time limit, the date of application shall be maintained.
Failure to make the claim at the time of filing the application or to submit the certified document within the time limit shall lead to forfeiture of the priority.
If the applicant does not go through the formalities of registration within the time limit,he or it shall be deemed to have abandoned its or his right to obtain the patent right.
In case where violation of requirements in the consent document for planning seriously affects flood control, the violator shall be ordered to dismantle his works within a time limit.
The construction of kilns for making coke with indigenous methods shall be forbidden, and the existing kilns for making coke with indigenous methods shall be renovated within a time limit.
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