单词 time score 例句大全,用单词time score造句:

He averages to score a goal half of the time.
But they also have this score to enter the half time.
How long do you want to use the time to compare your golf score satisfied?
So, by delivering on time or early, you can score some major brownie points.
Then, the teacher revised the composition for the second time to give a final score.
然后, 教师对学生的作文进行第二次评阅, 给出一个分数。
If anyone breaks thethe moderator make warned the first time that will not deduct member's score.
一经发现, 版主将会作出首次警告, 会员不会被扣任何分数。
At the same time, Sensory Evaluation of rapid cooling and cold Eviscerate chilled meat get the highest total score.
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