单词 tonguetie 例句大全,用单词tonguetie造句:

She was so nervous when she was introduced to the famous actress, that she was tonguetied.
Ambiguous be that others asks you that you are agape and tonguetied whether or not in being in love , .
暧昧是, 别人问你们是否在恋爱中, 你张口结舌。
I loved you, helplessly, with a boundless tonguetied love.
Tonguetied by inexperienceby excess of ardor, wooing unwittinglyawkwardly, Martin continued his approach by contact.
由于缺乏经验, 也由于过分热情, 马丁说不出后来。
Even Indira was tonguetied and bashful early in her career.
英迪拉在其早年政治生涯中张口结舌, 腼腆害羞。
I had paid have been tonguetied, several tens kind raw material combination occasionally was how to polish from a droplet coming out at that time?
我就纳了闷了, 几十种原料的组合偶当时是怎么琢磨出来滴?
Everybody is tonguetied at the meeting.

单词 tonguetie 释义



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