单词 track out 例句大全,用单词track out造句:

Al ct Up Individual Track Zoom Out
The road petered out into a dirt track.
And when you get out, you'll get back on track.
When the train track out of our mutual dedication!
A forward who likes to track back and help out the defence.
In case you don t know, that s a dirt track about 50 miles out.
Track status of project. Draft, carry out and file sales contract.
His plane was lost track of about two hours out from London Airport.
Announcer And now comin out on the track are the horses for the sixth race.
Passing out of Potow, we headed on a cart track directly across the fields.
我们出了泊头, 上了大车道, 穿过田野往前直奔。
Users and Admin users can clock in and clock out to keep track of hours worked.
You can zoom in or out or scroll the map to position the track most effectively.
check out this rumored track list for Femme Fatale floating around the web today.
传闻, 检查这个版本的党徽为漂浮网络今天。
The Fraud Squad are hard on her track and she's trying to get out of the country.
弗劳德正在追踪她, 而她正企图逃到国外去。
We were continually playing with new ideas and trying out models on the test track.
我们不停地试新点子, 在试车跑道上试验各种新型号汽车。
And we would be so excited to be out in the bush and to come across this unusual track.
那时我们会因为在野外发现 她与众不同的足迹而兴奋不已
Given your track record everywhere else, how disappointing is it to go out so early here ?
比起你在其它比赛中的记录, 在这里那么早的离开有多失望?
The setting out shall be inspected and accepted by the client before track laying may proceed.
应在进行轨道铺设前, 由业主检查和验收放样工作。
Assist EE to analyze and improve the production defect issue. work out and track the CIP format.
Jack sat on the fence for weeks before he made up his mind to go out for baseball instead of track.
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