单词 toss on 例句大全,用单词toss on造句:

On the Tort Liability of the High Toss Act
The decision depended on the toss of a coin.
Toss the asparagus once more and scatter on top of the salad.
再把芦笋拌一下, 然后撒到沙拉上面。
All these events toss the mind like a boat on a choppy ocean.
So, on this side, you get out your coins, and you toss and toss and toss.
所以,这半边的观众拿出硬币 反复投掷
Toss with beaten egg until well combined, then place crabs on top rice cake and serve.
加入蛋液兜匀, 即可将蟹肉放在锅巴上享用。
During the day, I'd perch on a knobby redwood buff and toss pieces of bark into a bucket.
The winner of a coin toss elects to serve or receive, or select the end of the court on which to play.
Add celery and apple season with salt and pepper. Toss gently to combine. Crumble toasted pecans on top, and serve immediately.
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