Any attempt tot let him change will only be ploughing the air.
This case will cause the deterioration in the TOT of the country.
Could her wardrobe choices have deemed the tot worthy of inclusion
If you cant make it cheaper, Ill have no choice but not tot buy it.
要是不能便宜点儿, 我只好不买了。
A child who is as small as a mere dot mere mite of a child tiny tot.
ToT Changed the font for the alert text to work with other languages.
Source for correct suppliers and filter price before quote tot client
Der Menge des Bluts nach zu urteilen, sind die meisten von ihnen tot.
从大量的鲜血来判断, 他们中的大部分人已经死了。
There was a tot more of it, and it got more and more boastful as it went on.
Rag doll This tiny tot has been left stuffed into the kitchen tea towel draw
Zhangfang was quite thin when I last saw him, but he has broadened out a tot.
To explain further, think of any set of values arranged from smallest tot largest.
Denn gleichwie der Leib ohne Geist tot ist, also ist auch der Glaube ohne Werke tot.
Objective Explore an non operation method tot neat the Simple node of local thyreon cus.
He knew dat i lov spongebob, but he tot i like Patrick also.Patrick is brainless and seems dirty.
以前真的以为, 十八岁就是个大人, 但我知道我还是个小孩。
But grand plans for hukou reform have fallen by the wayside before as officials tot up the price.
She d put on an awful tot of weight, and she looked a mess, to tell you the truth, a real slattern, dressed any old how.
有时我在街上看到她, 可她从来不和我讲话。
a matron outcast and forsaken, she mourns like Hecuba Modo maxima rerum, tot generis natisque potens nunc trahor exul, inops.
这些无休无止的争吵的战场, 就叫做形而上学。