单词 trace out 例句大全,用单词trace out造句:

dig out and trace all such samizdat literature
So far, he has only been able to trace out a policy.
目前, 他仅仅能草拟出一项政策。
You can't have them that a final Yin trace out glow gradually.
The powerhouse was trace out accurately later on a large scale map.
I slid the drawers out. They were empty too, with not a trace of dust.
我拉出抽屉。抽屉也是空空得, 一尘不染。
Brandon out of the wall in the moment, a trace of emotion into the mind.
就在布兰登走出围墙的一刻, 一丝激动进入了脑海。
When carrying out trace analysis, septum problems are especially troublesome.
Stretches out yours finger, lets me trace looked you gained weight did not have.
The succession of points occupied by the particle will trace out a curve in space.
But it turned out to be flashes of fireworks that blasted and vanished without a trace.
Let us trace out in greater detail this computation of acceleration due to gravitationtal forces.
So far, the chairman has only been able to trace out the outline of the plan, without any details.
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单词 trace out 释义

  • 单词释义:勾画出轮廓;提出;寻踪觅迹  [更多..]



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