单词 transfer to 例句大全,用单词transfer to造句:

This is likely to double Huawei Mrs. transfer the assets to do to prepare early.
There aren't any direct flights to Paris, so you have to transfer in Netherlands.
One of this accounting software's functions is to transfer accounts automatically.
The travel agency booked a limousine to transfer us from the airport to our hotel.
Students can apply to transfer to a different department in their second semester.
Excursion to Terra Cotta Warriors, transfer to airport for flight back to Beijing.
参观兵马俑, 午餐后送往机场, 乘机飞回北京。接机至酒店。
To transfer the motion of the cam upward to the valve, additional parts are needed.
I agree to transfer the timing chip deposit to the new participant mentioned above.
Add in pasta, arugula, salt and pepper, toss gently and transfer to serving plates.
Breakfast at the hotel, transfer to the airport for departure flight. Tour ends here.
By air, it is advisable to transfer to a coach in Xinzheng Airport of Henan Province.
如果是坐飞机, 就要在河南新郑机场换乘公交车, 也很方便。
The cable is adopted to connect deck and arch rib in order to transfer the deck loads.
Simulation Study of the Angular Acceleration to the Hay Baler Forage Transfer Mechanism
Could you transfer US 1, 000 from my deposit account to this account in Germany, please
A new method to achieve double system blood supply for the second toe to thumb transfer
By which he is referring to the transfer of defender Andrea Barzagli to the Bianconeri.
Commercial airports are designed to transfer passengers and freight to and from aircraft.
Currently, the agricultural industry demands nuclear transfer to produce better livestock.
当前, 农业需要核转移来生产更好的家畜。
Besides, metacognition training has brought the effete of transfer to the academic results.
另外, 元认知训练对学习成绩有迁移作用。
If you have an existing account with CMS you may transfer funds from one account to another.
如果你已经开户, 你可以从一个帐户转帐到另一帐户。
In addition Ramos had to deal with the row over Daniel Alves's proposed transfer to Chelsea.
To transfer debit balances in partners'drawing accounts to their respective capital accounts.
Anatomical and clinical study of phrenic nerve transfer to the upper trunk of brachial plexus
carry forward Accounting To transfer to the next column, page, or book, or to another account.
会计学转帐将转下一栏, 页, 册或另一帐户
Wireless Link is transferring files. Do you want to abort the transfer and shut down the machine.
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