单词 transfer to 例句大全,用单词transfer to造句:

Does excuse me negotiable securities trade can card transfer accounts on automatic atm? How to operate?
The five years they spend in VSMS is the key period for them to transfer from adolescence to adulthood.
On arrival at the station, the party will transfer to a coach for the rest of the journey to the hotel.
The client can pay with credit cards, debit cards, cash, cheques, transfer from account to account, etc.
客户可以用信用卡, 借计卡, 支票, 划帐等方式付款。
The transfer zone may form structures or traps that are prone to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation.
Primary heat transfer shall be accomplished by convection through the reservoir wall to the pumped fluid.
The accession of a databuffer storage is an effective measure to improve the reliability of data transfer.
Party A shall be entitled to a preemptive right in respect of each transfer by Party B to the Third Party.
Party B is not entitle to assign and transfer its rights, liabilities and responsibilities hereof to other party.
乙方无权转让乙方在本合同中的有关权利, 责任和义务。
Study On the Mode of Multilevel Gray Evaluation Method for the Ground to Air Missile Battalion to Mobile Transfer
The focal point of scientific research will transfer to life science and biological medicine in the next century.
在下个世纪, 科研重点将向生命科学和生物医学转移。
Experimental Investigation of Turbulent Heat Transfer to Liquid Sodium in the Thermal Entrance Region of an Annulus
The Prosecutor plans to transfer to national jurisdictions up to five of those accused who are currently in detention.
Simulation of Sediment Accumulation in the Water Diversion Canal of the Yangtze River to Han River Water Transfer Project
Efforts had been made to strengthen the decentralization process and to encourage the transfer of authority to the field.
The performance benefit compared to the federated approach is related to the fact that less data transfer layers are involved.
The recommendation agency shall liquidate the raised capital and transfer to the issuer in accordance with the relevant provisions.
Assignment of contract rights is a complete right transfer to receive the benefits accruing to one of the parties to that contract.
The first dorsal metacarpal artery fasciocutaneous flap transfer to improve appearance of the thumb reconstructed by second toe transfer
This pater analyzed its heat transfer mechanism and determined the bellows tube to be a type of enhanced heat transfer effective element.
通过分析波节管的传热机理, 证明它是强化传热的有效元件。
For obvious reasons it is safe to assume that its transfer to the British vocabulary in this meaning has taken place by way of the cinema.
The Community College System provided educational, vocational and transfer programs to more than 2.5 million students during academic year.
The process that led to Dolly began with the transfer of the nucleus of an adult cell to an unfertilised egg taken from a donor animal by a process known as cell fusion.
You shall give an impetus to the reform of the administrative examination and approval system of customs, transfer the powers of examination and approval to the lower levels
A clinical study of spinal accessory nerve transfer for the repair of suprascapular nerve to restore the impaired abduction function of the shoulder following avulsion injury of the brachial plexus
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