单词 transferred 例句大全,用单词transferred造句:

A book to which the record of accounts is transferred as final entry from original postings.
The US military's elite commando unit, Delta Force, had been transferred out of Afghanistan.
美军的精英突击队 三角洲特种部队也被转移出阿富汗。
During the capture, the updated virtual machine disks are transferred back to the appliance.
You cannot be transferred to another employer or employment without the approval of the CLA.
The salary as agree in the contract will is transferred monthly to the representative's account.
The term arms transfers refers to all arms transferred outside the control of the producing State.
Jessica was transferred from the warehouse to the accounting office, which was considered a promotion.
杰西卡从仓库调到了计算科, 这是一种晋升呀!
For a property that has appurtenance, the appurtenance shall be transferred with the property ownership.
Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency transferred the nuclear power plant within20 km radius of500 residents.
Who delivered us out of the authority of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of the Son of His love
She called for the Libyan seat at the United Nations General Assembly to be transferred to the interim government.
The land purchased by the offender be transferred to the Authority or to such person as the Authority may nominate
For example, aggregated details of individual purchasing transactions are transferred to the general ledger system.
Real estate rights transferred as assets of the enterprises through merge or consolidation of these enterprises and.
因企业兼并或者合并, 房地产权属随之转移的
Syntheses of New Quaternary Ammonium Phase Transferred Catalysts and Their Application in Enantioselective Alkylation.
We are currently making arrangements to have him transferred to St. Mungo s Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.
If the admission plan cannot be completed in the same batch of admission, it shall not be transferred to the next batch.
在同批次完不成招生计划的, 不得转入下批次执行。
The staff and workers adjusted between the Enterprises may be officially transferred, or perhaps temporarily transferred.
When the actor occupy the property which was treat as the criminal transferred tools, it could be handle as an accomplice.
侵犯转付的犯罪工具性款物时, 一般可作为共犯处理。
The infection is assumed transferred primarily with droplets and is highly contagious within healthcare settings and families.
This account allows you to deposit US dollars you brought in from overseas or transferred into the foreign currency notes account.
Forest workers should be appropriately diverted and reemployed,with the majority transferred to tree planting and forest management.
The chairman or vice chairman of a trade union shall not be arbitrarily transferred to another unit before the expiration of his tenure.
Those that evade taxes with establishment of falsified accounting books constituting a crime shall be transferred to judicial organs for handling.
Where the equipment has been transferred, taxes shall be made up pursuant to the provisions or the formalities for carrying forward shall be gone through upon approval.

单词 transferred 释义

  • 单词释义:转移,迁移( transfer的过去式和过去分词 );转让;转移(感情);改变  [更多..]



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