单词 transplanted 例句大全,用单词transplanted造句:

Influence of brain death of donors on the injury of rat transplanted livers at the early stage after transplantation
Effect of early photodynamic therapy on growth and pulmonary metastasis of transplanted forestomach carcinoma in mice
Effects of survivin antisense oligodeoxynucleotide on the growth of colorectal carcinoma transplanted in the nude mice
Oocyte retrieval and in vitro maturation from frozen thawed human ovarian cortex transplanted in immune suppressed mice
Experimental study of transferrin receptor molecular imaging in human hepatocellular carcinoma transplanted in nude mice
Last summer, a rainstorm hit us when 298 chrysanthemum seedlings in the courtyard were about to be transplanted to pots.
Such a piece of transplanted tissue is called an explant, and its placement on the culture medium is called inoculation.
这种被移植的组织称外植体, 将它放置在培养基上称为接种。
The Differentiation of the Neural Stem Cells Transplanted into Ventral Horn of Spinal Cord after Brachial Plexus Avulsion
The results showed that the taproots of transplanted P. ginseng plants consist of periderm and secondary vascular tissue.
A Histological Study on Healing Process of Palatal Wound with Denuded Bone Restored with Transplanted Buccal or Palatal Mucosa.
Baboon hearts, for example, are too small: when transplanted into people they aren't sufficient to pump the blood around the body.
Preliminary Study Results of the Response of Potato with Short Growing Period Time to Sprayed Gibberellin on Transplanted Seedling
Baboon hearts, for example, are too small when transplanted into people they arent sufficient to pump the blood around the body.
Studies on Accumulation and Distribution of Dry Matter in Cotton Bolls in Various Varieties of Cotton Transplanted After Wheat Harvest
Comparison of Solanum muricatum Ait. Stomatal behavior between plantlets cultured in test tube and transplanted from test tube to soil
Establishment of submandibular gland autotransplantation model in miniature swine and the histological changes of the transplanted gland
Application of the Cultural Pattern with Seedlings Raised on Plastic Trays and Transplanted by Hands in Early Autumn Hybrid Seed Production
Application of the Cultural Pattern with Seedlings Raised on Plastic Trays and Transplanted by Hands in Early Autumn Hybrid Rice Seed Production
The Primary Culture of the Rat Progenitor Leydig Cell, the Survival and Differentiation of the Transplanted Progenitor Leydig Cell in Kidney Capsule of Emasculated Rat
Robert White, who has successfully transplanted the heads of monkeys and dogs, is ready to move on to humans, in an operation he estimates would cost at least $1 million.

单词 transplanted 释义

  • 单词释义:移植(transplant的过去式与过去分词形式)  [更多..]



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