单词 treatment unit 例句大全,用单词treatment unit造句:

Water treatment and bottling unit.
Automatic Control of Steam Condensed Water Treatment Unit
Failure Analysis and Treatment for the Stainless Draft Tube Liner of No.1 Unit in Yantan
Air source treatment unit, solenoid control element, actuation element and tube fitting.
AISC Cinder Co.is a unit that specialized in treatment of ladles for iron and steelmaking.
Meanwhile, the treatment result with integrated effluent treatment unit was also analyzed.
Treatment of humidified water for air conditioner in computer room and fresh air cooling unit
Fault analysis and treatment of liquid suspending in upper and lower columns of air separation unit
Methods and experiences of clinical treatment for frostbite in recruits at a certain unit of the Army
The reason for the block at the evaporator of precooling unit is analyzed. The treatment is introduced.
Observation and Treatment of Pediatric Patients after General Anesthesia and Operations in Postanesthesia Care Unit
Each unit, subsidiary is belonged to to have external previously purchase authority and outside appoint treatment counterpoises.
以前所属各单位, 子公司对外都有采购权和外委加工权。
Medical treatment allowance can be managed by the unit, also can be sure to be opposite through commerce the worker is accessorial.
医疗补助可由单位治理, 也可通过商业保险对职工补助。
The reason analysis and the treatment measures of the burnt damage of floating tile of oil gauge receiver of the unit of a certain hydropower station
The volatile rates of BTEX and chlorinated hydrocarbon in biochemical treatment unit were the highest in WWTP, which were highest in winter and lowest in summer.
生化池中, 苯系物和氯代烃逸散速率在冬季最大, 夏季最小。
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