单词 treatment effects 例句大全,用单词treatment effects造句:

Effects of the Treatment of Filling Nitrogen in Vacuum and Decaffeinating with Boiling Water on Quality of Green Tea
Conclusion Citalopram is an effective antidepressant with fewer side effects in the treatment of geriatric depression.
Objective To investigate the clinic effects of botulinum toxin in the treatment of blepharospasm and hemifacial spasm.
abstract Objective To investigate the causes of misdiagnosis and treatment effects of acute retinal necrosis syndrome.
Effects of Azone on the Percutaneous Absorption of Clindamycin Hydrochloride and Spironolactone in Acne Treatment Cream
Study on the Effects of Artery Elasticity of Spontaneous Hypertension Rats with the Treatment of Tonifying the Kidney Qi
Clinical effects comparison of laparoscopic and open radical prostatectomy on treatment of chronic atrophic cholecystitis
The clinical study on the adjunctive effects of aqueous extract from coptis root for the treatment of chronic periodontitis
Effects of Retention Enema with Traditional Chinese Medicines in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis A Systematic Appraisal
Effects of Nitrogen Fertilizer on the Root Morphology and Cadmium Accumulation in Low Cadmium Treatment Sedum alfredii Hance
The treatment prescription was selected based on the tuberculous complications, and therapeutic effects of antituberculosis.
Effects of Indwelling Time Duration of Femoral Vein Catheter on Bacterial Colonization in Patients with Hemodialysis Treatment.
Effects of brackets and two materials of ligation on the acidogensis capability of the dental plaque during orthodontic treatment
Clinical Application of Acupuncture and Moxibustion to the Treatment of Gouty Arthritis and Analysis on Their Therapeutic Effects.
Comparative Observation on Clinical Effects of Treatment of Comprehensive Anxiety Neurosis with Electric Acupuncture and Trazodone
Objective To observe the clinical effects of acupressure in the treatment of uroschesis after the operation for anorectal diseases.
Observation of effects of benazepril on the treatment of 26 cases of obstinate heart failure with Senile Cere bral and heart disense.
Objective To investigate the clinical characteristic of Paratyphoid fever A infection, and enhance the diagnosis and treatment effects.
目的探讨甲型副伤寒沙门菌的临床特点, 以提高诊治水平。
Comparison on effects of bipolar femoral head replacement and total hip replacement in treatment of femoral neck fractures in the elderly
Objective To observe the clinical characteristics and treatment effects of tuberculosis patients complicated with localized pneumothorax.
Objective To establish an animal model of oral ulcer for further investigation of treatment effects with topical application of medicine.
Objective To evaluate the effects of local appliance to prosthodontic patients with local malocclusion which impaired prosthodontic treatment.
Treatment of 32 Cases of Adverse Effects Induced by Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy with Moxibustion Combined with Auricular Acupoint Taping and Pressing Therapy
INTRALUMINAL MICROWAVE HYPERTHERMIA IN THE TREATMENT OF ESOPHAGEAL Therapeutic effects of simultaneous intraluminal irradiation and hyperthermia on esophageal carcinoma
Initial results of a small safety trial were reported at the Alzheimer's Conference, and Elan's further studies will determine any positive effects the potential treatment might have on the brain.
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