单词 symptomatic treatment 例句大全,用单词symptomatic treatment造句:

Both groups based in symptomatic treatment based on the implementation.
Yi Yi annoying tears tears of many causes, to be symptomatic treatment.
Generally only symptomatic treatment, the effect will not affect the vaccine.
一般只需对症处理, 不会影响疫苗效果。
The treatment of vascular dementia include prevention and symptomatic treatment.
Generally the current treatment can broadly be defined as topical and symptomatic.
Analgesic and antiemetic medication are usually sufficient for symptomatic treatment.
镇痛和止吐药物对症治疗, 通常为足够。
Conclusion The present treatment methods are symptomatic treatment and can not cure the OA.
因人而异, 制定系统的, 规范性的, 个体化防治方案尤为重要。
Manager therapy, acupuncture, and topical drugs, symptomatic treatment can be alleviated.
To be sure, an immediate symptomatic treatment of the malady associated with small arms is essential.
当然, 立即治表地治疗与小型武器有关的疾病是至关重要的。
Objective To discuss indications and methods of surgical treatment of symptomatic choroid plexus cyst.
Symptomatic treatment with dopaminergic and anticholinergic medications remains the mainstay at the present time.
The principal emergent medical treatments include the symptomatic treatment, anticoagulation, thrombolysis and operation.
主要急救手段为对症治疗, 抗凝, 溶栓, 必要时手术治疗。
Many fatigue assessment tools exist. Fatigue management involves specific and symptomatic intervention and treatment measures.
The morphological characteristics of the mediopatellar plica and the diagnosis and treatment of symptomatic mediopatellar plica in adult
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单词 symptomatic treatment 释义

  • 单词释义:对症治疗,症状疗法  [更多..]



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