单词 swing around 例句大全,用单词swing around造句:

a swing around the circle
The host tried to swing the mood around.
Swing out a little bit when you run around the base.
So they do it with this active tail as they swing around.
You can rub it with cotton and swing it around in circles.
你可以用棉花揉一揉, 并绕圈摇一摇。
I'll swing around from behind and blow them out of the sky.
我会悬挂着, 把他们吹散在空中。
She had been with her husband on his swing around the circle.
In the meantime, Nkrumah had set forth on a swing around the communist circuit.
这时, 恩克鲁玛却已启程到共产党集团里去巡回访问了。
Around the square, various performances of folk artists were also in full swing.
When the dance party was in full swing, music and songs swirled all around the ballroom.
I stopped faster than I thought I would and nearly fell over, I grabbed the side of the swing set and spun around to face the back pasture.
于是相反他捡起一把晨星, 晃了晃它然后又丢下了它。
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