单词 USAG 例句大全,用单词USAG造句:

Once upon a time there lived a bird, a mouse and a sausage.
从前, 有一只小鸟, 一只老鼠和一条香肠
The skit demonstrates the three stages of abacus usage and teaches about changes in the history of computing.
Studies on the residue determination of abate and its usage in mosquito larva control
Shu da toothpaste is well known for its quick usage, outstanding effect and absolute safeness.
Usage Smear a small amount of product in the hand massage to make it absorb.
Usage After cleansing, apply some on needed parts, gently knead until fully absorbed.
Usage clean the face, after crisp the skin, then daub appropriate amount on face, massage lighly till absorbed.
用法早晚洁面爽肤后, 取适量涂抹于面部, 轻轻按摩至吸收。
Usage After bath free heart check amount knead slightly, then spread evenly in the body, a little massage, infiltration can be quickly absorbed.
Usage After crisp skin, takes right amount spreads gently in the face and the pate, whips gently until the flesh absorption.
浅表淋巴结颈部, 双侧腋窝及腹股沟淋巴结无肿大。
At present, abusage antibiotics is a universal phenomenon.
目前, 临床上滥用抗菌药物已经成为一种普遍现象。
I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now I'm not used to doing so.
我过去常滥用这个不寻常的用法, 但我现在不习惯这样做。
I employ to abuse the unusual usage, but now I'm not employ to doing so.
我过去常滥用那个不寻常的应用, 但我目前不习惯那样做。
I used to abuse the unusual usage, but now i am not used to doing so.
过去, 我常滥用这个不寻常的方法, 但我现在不习惯这样做。
Mobile Internet usage will only accelerate, he said to reporters.
他对记者说, 移动互联网的使用只会加快。
Acceptable battery life is anything in over four hours of continuous usage.
a generally accepted usage
In accord with accepted standards of usage or procedure.
a discourteous manner that ignores accepted social usage.
This pattern is accepted by 54 percent of the Usage Panel.
It refers to consideration for others, tact, and observance of accepted social usage.
为他人着想, 圆滑和遵守被接受的社会规范为特征或表现。
As one of the skills in advertisement writing, the flexible usage of idioms has been generally accepted.
Members of this group can access the server usage reports.
See the Access Control section of this chapter for a summary of basic usage.
Use thumb to keep selfs hand on accommodate oneself to but relaxed usage of small switch place button.
not in accord with established usage or procedure.

单词 USAG 释义



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