单词 urinary tract 例句大全,用单词urinary tract造句:

WEISS Cranberries protect against urinary tract infections, but may also lower cholesterol levels.
Analysis of the Isolation and Drug Sensitivity of Common Pathogenic Bacteria in Urinary Tract Infection
In otherwise healthy children bladder dysfunction increases the susceptibility to urinary tract infection.
Radiological findings revealed that one patient had bladder mass lesions and upper urinary tract dilation.
However, more commonly, chronic prostatitis is abacterial and there is no history of urinary tract infection.
Recurrent episodes of respiratory distress and urinary tract infection had bothered the patient subsequently.
However, more commonly, chronic prostatitis is a bacterial and there is no history of urinary tract infection.
然而慢性前列腺炎多为细菌性, 且没有泌尿道感染史。
The main sites of infection were lung and urinary tract, and the pathogenic fungi strains were mostly Candidas.
Objective To study the current situation and countermeasures of urinary tract nosocomial infection in our hospital.
The detrimental effect of urinary tract infection on renal function of adults with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
This intravenous pyelogram of a normal urinary tract on the left demonstrates contrast filling the pelvis, ureter, and bladder.
静脉肾盂造影显示正常泌尿道, 可见肾盂, 输尿管和膀胱。
The renal pelvis and calyces show marked dilation, consistent with hydronephrosis, the result of chronic urinary tract obstruction.
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