单词 uptake rate 例句大全,用单词uptake rate造句:

and oxygen flow has no effects on rate of isoflurane uptake.
There was a 2fold difference in rate of uptake among 24 fullsid families of Pinus taeda.
Study on Oxygen Uptake, Oxygen Uptake Rate and Asphyxiation Point of MariCulture Hybrid Sturgeon
海水养殖杂交鲟耗氧量, 耗氧率和窒息点的研究
The rate of uptake is measured by the progress of an air bubble in a capillary tube along a scale.
Seasonal variation in tee ultrastructure and calcium uptake rate of cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum in ground sqirrel.
Effects of Nitrogen Rate and Ratio of Base Fertilizer and Topdressing on Uptake, Translocation of Nitrogen and Yield in Wheat
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单词 uptake rate 释义

  • 单词释义:[医]摄取速率,吸收速率,摄入吸收率(营养物质等),摄入率,摄取率,吸收率  [更多..]



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