单词 wild fire 例句大全,用单词wild fire造句:

Fire repels wild animals.
The news ran like wild fire.
Wild fire not, the spring winds and deep.
野火烧不尽, 春风吹又深。
The fire dispeopled the woods of all wild.
Going out of my chest, a burning wild fire
A good fire is a security against wild beasts.
The wild animals took flight before the onrushing fire.
In ancient time man protested himself from wild beasts by using fire.
在古代, 人用火保护自己免受野兽侵害。
No fear, the wolf is far, what is more any wild animal fear the fire.
He was the fire, restless and wild and you were like a moth to that flame
And they shall eat the flesh that night roasted at the fire, and unleavened bread with wild lettuce.
Distress encountered in the wild, three groups of fire ignited row, the best middle distance equivalent.
在野外遇到危难时, 连续点燃三堆火, 中间距离最好相等。
Your heart is mad wild be like fire, ignite a bundle of hot blaze to make god general time firing and cindery.
我的心静谧似水, 捧起一掬清泉翘首等待一场宿命的爱情。
Even the wild animals pant for you the streams of water have dried up and fire has devoured the open pastures.
田野的走兽向你发27喘, 因为28溪水干涸, 火也烧灭旷野的草场。
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