单词 White Board 例句大全,用单词White Board造句:

White Board in place, its absorption of moisture goes well beyond the gold card paper.
Images are transferred from the white board to the computer with a highres digital camera.
Comparison of Air Blade Coating and Knife Coating in Single Side Coating White Board Making
The board of the directors unanimously agreed that Mr White was the best candidate for the job.
And seeks the ash bottom white paperboard cooperation with to seek the ivory board cooperation.
An analysis and forecast on the supply and demand of newsprint, coated paper and coated white board
Ambry is brushed on lacquer of white tip line, board door shows wale, deserve to go up coppery fittings.
Detain flower needs a more professional tool Pattern plate, dry board, sponge, plastic film and white paper.
押花需要一套较专业的工具模板, 干燥板, 海绵, 塑胶膜和白纸。
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单词 White Board 释义



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