单词 winning party 例句大全,用单词winning party造句:

Mr Ma is still seen as the party's best hope of winning the election.
Indeed, in a landslide, AV can exaggerate the swing to the winning party.
确实, 选择投票制会压倒性的夸大优胜党的势力范围。
An amount can be added as a contribution towards the winning party's costs.
Moreover, the system tends slightly to exaggerate the victory winning party.
而且, 这种制度似乎有些夸大获胜党得胜利。
pecuniary reimbursement to the winning party for the expenses of litigation.
The Court was under a statutory obligation to award costs to the winning party.
The letter of acceptance shall be legally binding on the bid inviting party and the winning bidder.
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