单词 won't 例句大全,用单词won't造句:

Make sure the wet sheets aren't bunched up otherwise they won't dry properly.
I won't go, I won't sleep, I can't breathe until you're resting here with me.
If decide to leave really, I won't sell mark, also won't send a person signal.
如果真的决定离开, 我不会卖号, 也不会把号送人。
We don't earn money if we don't sell, and you won't renew our contract, either.
如果我们不去销售就赚不到钱, 而你们也不会和我们续约。
He still won't like to dirty his hands and in all probability he won't have to.
He's terrified that you won't be able to earn money and won't fit into society.
I hope you won't be disappointed, but today, I won't be talking about blue algae.
People who don't understand the nature of flowers won't be able to grow them well.
The male can't bite you, won't bite you, doesn't have the mouth parts to bite you.
雄性蚊子不会咬人也不能咬人 它们没有咬人的嘴
The lavatory won't flush; I've tried flushing it several times, but it won't work.
Come girl scout cookie time, don't bring around little Tina Because we won't be home.
Don't silly, of course it won't kill you. You cant die from having a tooth pulled out.
Because you simply won't commit that kind of energy and time if you don't really care.
You haven't got my troubles. My wife won't love me and she's driving me round the bend.
And when a part doesn't fit, a new one absolutely, positively won't get there overnight.
若有一部分无法密合, 新的建材绝不可能连夜运抵。
The insurgency in Afghanistan didn't just happen overnight and we won't defeat it overnight.
Ben is sitting in that jail cell right now, and I don't even know why, and he won't tell me.
本现在在牢里 我什么都不知道,他也不告诉我。
Having mere desire won't take you through difficult times since you don't things badly enough.
仅仅是普通欲望没法帮你渡过困难, 因为你又不是非要不可。
The toilet wasn't leaking, and the bathroom sink wasn't leaking. The toilet won't stop flushing.
Don't worry, I won't be hitting the absinthe or the mugwort to try to induce the visions tonight.
This gets rid of the sugar in the bamboo so that it won't mold and insects won't be attracted to it.
If we don't speak of our achievements, they won't run away. If we don't find out our faults, we'll be in a bad way.
And I would like to do it in such a way that I don't actually have to be able to read the language, because I'm sure I won't be able to.
我会这么做 我并不去阅读它 因为我知道我无法做到
Hearing that they won't be accepted by the school unless they pay 10000 yuan, the examinees from the country were all bemused and didn't know what to do.
One of my friends, who I won’t mention by name, is being a lazy bum doing nothing with his life. No job, no girlfriend and no education. No matter what I tell him it doesn’t seem to motivate him. I give up.

单词 won't 释义

  • 单词释义:将不,不会(=will not)  [更多..]



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