单词 wired up 例句大全,用单词wired up造句:

The newly built house has been wired up.
Make sure the plug is wired up correctly.
Check that the plug has been wired up properly.
As soon as the equipment is wired up, you can use it.
The TV wasn't working because it hadn't been wired up.
没插上电源, 所以电视看不了。
First, bandwidth traditionally was not up to that of wired networks.
Our house has recently been wired up, so we can cook by electricity now.
我们房子已装好电线, 我们可以用电做饭了。
With economic development, the village finally set up wired broadcasting.
经济发展了, 村里终于架起有线广播了。
The plane is wired up so you can extend and retract the landing gear etc.
In sprint racing the starting gun is electronically wired up to the timing system.
短跑比赛中, 电线将发令枪和计时系统连在一起。
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