单词 work box 例句大全,用单词work box造句:

Work in the cold box is considered confined space work.
This work consists of a video and a light box installation.
Pasting a single character from the clipboard to an edit box did not work.
You have just returned home late from work. You find a notification card in box.
你下班迟了, 回到家里看到一个通知卡在邮箱内。
Received the lunch box and the laundry basket. It'seems the quality need more work.
我已经收到便当和洗烫篮了, 但质量方面好像需要改进一下。
This work can play reference value in construction monitoring of Curved box girder bridge.
Analysis of Spatial State for Temporary False Work of Steel Box Girder During Large Segmental Installation
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