单词 all year round 例句大全,用单词all year round造句:

The garden contains many rare trees and shrubs,and is beautiful all year round.
The everyday clothes in lively and light style are fashionable all the year round.
款式活泼清爽的便装, 四季流行。
We engage foreign teachers all the year round in order to popularize school English.
You are welcome to come to our restaurant, where feasts are served all the year round.
本饭店四季供应美肴佳餐, 欢迎光顾。
Liu Wus father is the sailor on oceangoing freighter, do not be in the home all the year round.
It was a world of flowers in our home. There were flowers blooming all the year round in our yard.
on the north side of the garden of flowers, grass and trees combined with lush green all year round.
Determine according to science, every mus of forest can save the water of20 stere all the year round.
These results of monthly plowing experiment indicated nightshade seed could germinate all year round.
The girl kept in training all the year round in the hope of swimming the English Channel in the summer.
This country is located between 0 and 30 degrees longitude, where the temperature is high all the year round.
Controlled by high atmospheric pressure from Mongolia all the year round, the place has a typical inland climate.
这里常年受蒙古高压控制, 是典型的内陆气候。
As soups in this cookbook are mildly nutritious, they are, therefore, suitable to be consumed all the year round.
All year round, millions of visitors are drawn to the city for a series of remarkable social and cultural events.
Nien all the year round deep Chu seabed,Every to new years eve then clamber bank,Stoke livestock detriment human life.
At first the cough only attacked in winter, recently, it has been present all the year round, especially the attacks of cough repeated in winter and spring.
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单词 all year round 释义

  • 单词释义:全年,一年到头  [更多..]



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